Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination
Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination simply means the inequitable treatment given to middle age people at the workplace and it is particularly on the age. This kind of treatments is illicit under the law section.

Types of Age Discrimination

  • Unlawful Early Retirement: Early retirement deals are illegal sometimes. A worker over 40 cannot be get retired by the employer without any logical business reason. If an employer does so, an offense to the age discrimination law occurs.
  • Unlawful Employee Replacement: If a person of age 40 is replaced over a younger employee by the employer without any specific reason, he or she can file a case in the order of age discrimination law. This happens quite often as employers keep on replacing the workers on a practice basis.
  • Unlawful Wage Decisions: Age discrimination can also impact on the income of a person over 40 years of age. Employers sometimes make unfair decisions concerning the salaries or wages of the person. They use the age factor to replace a senior person having high pay with a younger one. In this case, the employer becomes amendable for age discrimination.
  • Injustice in Job Perks: If the employers do not treat both old and young employees equally in terms of job benefits or perks and scope, they may fall under the category of age discrimination law.


All the above-mentioned factors are the type of age discrimination that mostly occurs. Contact The Honest Law Firm if you too are a sufferer of any of these. We will evaluate your case without any charges. Our expert team will attentively assist you by providing all the possible legal solutions. Try us today!